Case Study – The Shed Restaurant, SA1, Swansea

The Shed Restaurant is one of the newest dining venues to open in Swansea, officially opening its doors in February 2024.

 Located in the SA1 Waterfront area of the City, the venue, based in the J-Shed, underwent an extensive renovation before opening and AMROC Group were selected to install a wide range of electrical, heating and plumbing services.

 “We were delighted to be selected for this project,” said Richard Carlson of AMROC Group, “and with extensive experience of working on similar projects across the hospitality sector, we knew we were best placed to help The Shed realise their vision.”

 Starting off with a complete rip-out in October of 2023, the project involved multiple contractors, with AMROC being responsible for:

  • Heating 
  • Lighting
  • Air Conditioning
  • Plumbing

 The AMROC team were also responsible for the intruder alarm and fire safety system which they outsourced to local partners, Plexus FS, who worked side by side with the AMROC electricians and plumbers to complete that aspect of the project.

 “Projects such as this require a clear understanding of the end vision,” said Richard, “as elements such as lighting are key contributors to the overall aesthetic and ambience of the restaurant, so we always go above and beyond to make sure the customer is happy with the light placement, colour temperature and more.”

 In addition to the lighting set-up, the team also installed a range of other services, including:


Connecting the external mains gas to the hot water tank as well as branching off new pipes to fuel the various gas-fed kitchen appliances.


The team installed the plumbing networks for the commercial kitchen, as well as the bar area and restrooms.

 Air Conditioning

The team networked the AC units for all areas of the business, including the front of house, the kitchen as well as the chiller unit in the cellar.

For more information on similar services, especially if your business operates in the hospitality sector and you are planning on fitting out a new location or upgrading an existing one, please contact:

► [email protected]

► 01792 700820